Mobile eCommerce & Website Development

HEROweb presents MightyMerchant Responsive!

Having a website that works well on tablets and smartphones is crucial for a business' success. Web browsing with handheld devices is approaching the same level of usage as desktop computers. Even Google has indicated they will use the mobile compatibility of a website as a factor in their ranking algorithm.

HEROweb has continued to advance our MightyMerchant platform to meet the needs of a mobile world.  Our responsive design framework, which we deploy on every new website, allows you to have a site that works correctly across all devices.

What’s great about MightyMerchant Responsive?

  • Optimized: Our responsive sites are touch-friendly, low bandwidth sites, optimized for mobile devices.
  • Shared Data: Your desktop and mobile sites share the same data. No double-entry or syncing of data is necessary.
  • Support: HEROweb has the friendliest, most helpful staff around! We enjoy working together to help you meet your goals.
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