Create Promotional Emails that Avoid Spam Filters
Understanding and following some simple rules will help ensure your emails are successfully delivered to and read by your customers.
MailChimp, a popular email marketing provider, has compiled some useful information on how to avoid spam filters in your day-to-day email marketing. We recommend that you review their article to understand the kinds of characteristics spam filters look for when determining which emails to flag as spam. While MailChimp gears the article towards their own customers, it includes plenty of tips relevant for all businesses who send commercial and promotional emails.
Some key takeaways from the article include:
- Only email people who have opted to receive your emails.
- Email subscribers regularly.
- Make sure recipients have an clear way to opt out without flagging your message as spam.
You can spend hours on a compelling newsletter or sale announcement, but that time is wasted if your emails flow straight into your recipients’ spam folders. Check out the above article for practical advice on how to craft emails that are more likely to reach your intended audience.
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Marketing Bites are short actionable tips to help you market your business. Each Bite contains a marketing idea and an easy to complete action. The Marketing Bite is emailed weekly to subscribers.
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